To edit your marking grid choose Edit Grid from the Grid Menu.

At the top you can enter the maximum score for the paper as a whole. When you make a new file, this will be set to the default values. You can alter this default in the Preferences window.

To add a new section, click Add Header. You can then enter the name of the section. If you enter a comment in the Autocomment field, any candidate who scores 0 in this section will have the comment added to their feedback. Clicking the section header button is cosmetic only. It will make the header a darker colour in the table.

The number of possible marks for each section or point is shown to the right of the section text.  Next to it is the Mark Cap field. You can cap the total number of marks for a section or point by entering a value into this field. You can cap this by entering a figure in the Cap field.

To add a point for which marks will be allocated, click the Add Point button. You can then
type the important points which must be answered. The default number of marks for a point is 1, but you can change this to a maximum of 10 or a minimum of -10 by clicking in the marks field to the left of the text of the point. You can set the color in which the point is displayed in the grid by clicking on the Point Color button. If you wish to remove the color, set the color to white.

To delete a point or a header, select the row and press the delete button, or choose Delete from the Edit Menu If you just want to see the effect of removing a point from the marking grid, without deleting the point, you can check the exclude button.

Points can be moved up or down in the table by pressing Command ↑ or Command ↓. You can make a point a subpoint of an existing point by pressing Command →. You can promote a subpoint by pressing Command ←. Clicking the Add Subpoint button will add a subpoint to the selected point.